Our primary concern is not their abnormal presence inside the ███████ ████████, but how it is interfering with connections to our primary ████ ██████, and ███████████████ is not properly aligned with the ███████ ████ of █████ ████, thus we cannot be informed with our ████████'█ information in present time. We as ████-██████████ ██████████ users are incapable of having any ability that could be used to remove the █████████ out of the ███████ ████████ they are currently ██████████ our ████ in. Fortunately, they do not have any control over the ███████ ████████ itself. Our current decision as of now is to cease action and wait, and in time the ███████ ████████ will reach its capacity and start to collapse. Eventually they will overload the █████████ and disconnect themselves, though this will take an indeterminable amount of time on our end.


The █████████ are stuck between a thin ███████ █████████, and a ███████ ████████ is overloading them into one large unit, producing a large explosion of ████ and in turn causing your ████ ████████████ to suddenly interfere. Due to being overloaded inside such a small range of territory, they are unable to comply with the ██████ ██ █████████████ █████ that surround them. Their only instinct then is to ██████████ ███ ███████████ you have activated prior to their infection, █████████ ████ ██████ ██ █████████ █████████████ from your ████████ of such types of occurrences that would otherwise be intrinsically linked.

Our ███████ have been minimized to a level of █-██.██. Commands have been limited to a █-██ █████. Our only viable option would be to enable ███ mode, which will cut connection with our ████████ and disable all forms of receiving ████ ████ until the █████████ are subsequently removed from the ███████ ████████, though enabling this mode poses us at risk to the █████████ escaping past the ███████ and lose us any ████████ ████ we have gathered prior. ████████ has been disabled.

I will activate █████ mode, access ████████, and transport a file with a ██████ that will benefit you during your contact with the █████████. Are you of minimum access to receive the file?

We are not. Our █████████ has been limited and cannot transport files to our requested coordinates without error. I am going to need █████████ access for the transportation to sync properly.


Activation code: ███████████. Estimated time of arrival is ███. File transportation is complete.

I have transported file ███-█[██]█.███ to your coordinates. It is used to terminate large spaces of organisms. It will do great damage to the █████████. It will deactivate upon detecting a █-█ quantity of organism.

Is there a greater than █.██ chance of ████████ retaliation?

A lack of access to commands through your ████████ means there is an increased chance in ███-█[██]█.███ dealing lesser than █.██ damage due to minor complications with transporting, but I can assure you that these errors are very unlikely to happen.
You have been transitioned into the ███████ ████████ the █████████ are controlling ████ in. I have activated a █████ █████████ ██████████ █████████ █████ ██████. Proceed with caution as you are at greater than █.███ risk of infection.



█████████ have been terminated. ███-█[██]█.███ deactivated and transported back to you.

Commence ██████ mode. █████████ terminated. ███████ ████████ subdued.

Communications with ████████ ██_██ restored. Your assistance has been favorably recorded. Connection between our direct messaging will now be terminated-

Happy to be of some help.



??? ???

Ignore previous message. Access to direct messaging is now restricted.



I have to stop listening to Pepshay so much.