
Razor Sharp


Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Erdic
Height: 5'9"


Not wanting to follow the same life of war and violence that his father led, Colfax pursued his dream of being a sailor and took to sailing across the seas.


Initially shy, meek, and non-confrontational, after the incident on his crewmates Colfax’s outlook on the world has become more grim and violent. His aiding in Sutton’s grand plan to overthrow the Dukechter Empire is only a sliver of his growing contempt towards the human species. Though deep down he knows no amount of retaliation will repair the damage done to him, he is determined to assist where his expertise is needed in the hopes that humans are put on a path towards extinction.


alcohol, oldies, weighted blankets, routine, hymns


plain socks, modern music, sea sickness, storms
