


Gender: Male
Age: 32
Species: Mutated Human, Leterachan
Height: 5'7"


Having been mutated since birth, Franz was abandoned by both his parents and country. He spent his childhood days in an orphanage, where he was teased by the other children for his outlandish looks. It wasn’t until Sutton came to his rescue to fight back against his bullies and the two instantly clicked, sharing a passion for helping others and vowed to get out of the orphanage and open a hospital together. Now together for over two decades and married, Franz and Sutton have opened up multiple hospitals in order to help less fortunate erids.


Franz is quite docile and skittish compared to his wife. While he can get easily fired up, his call to action is far and few between. It’s often that she stands up on his behalf, which in turn can give him the confidence he needs knowing she’s loyally by his side. With Sutton to use her social skills to build trust with the public, Franz is able to work more confidently behind the scenes. He has a burning passion for reaching new heights with human-cyborg cross experimentation, and no matter how many failed subjects have to be discarded along the way, he will work tirelessly through day and night to achieve what everyone else believed to be impossible.


jam, scalpels, rubbing alcohol, turtlenecks, easy listening, vinyl records


humans, gloomy weather, sudden movements, cleaning out blood stains
