Gender: Male
Age: 24
Species: Mutated Human, Ostetan
Height: 6'2"
Running a small berry business on his farm in Otten, Liam has left his family’s legacy to die in the shadows. Hiding himself away from society in the berry fields, Liam finally lives on his own accord alone in peace and quiet, doing what he loves most. His homemade array of flavorful jams has people traveling from across the country just to get their hands on a jar.
Liam has grown to become the most mature and sensible of the three, choosing his words wisely to avoid an all out argument or fight from happening. He’s adapted to working his daily routine without needing to rely on anyone, and will never take handouts for something he knows he didn’t work hard for. Liam keeps himself busy every hour of the day to occupy his mind, fearing deep down the idea of being alone with his thoughts for too long. Though his work is his sole passion, he won’t hesitate for a second to drop everything and tend to the needs of his brothers, no matter how minor the situation is.
berries, sunsets, rocking chairs, flower fields, bottling jam, long drives, cold showers, plaid patterns, cider
cities, large crowds, traffic noises, arguing, professional attire, stubborness, changes in his routine