
Dire Meowsenger


Gender: Female
Age: 23
Species: Mutated Human, Chedian
Height: 5'5"


Mari's life changed early on in childhood after succumbing to the effects of mutation, turning her whole body into an unbreakable exoskeleton. Her altered skeletal body from the neck and down is that of an indestructible steel-like material, making it impossible to break or disassemble any bones. As an added benefit, she also has a strong sense of smell and can see in the dark. Currently serving for Rustnik as a part-time messenger, she’s meticulous in her job and her lack of words makes it impossible to get confidential information out of her. Mari wonders if there’s ever a possibility this gig will lead her into the hands of a client she’ll wish she never met, or if the package she’s delivering unknowingly contains a pipe bomb.


Mari is very quiet and hardly speaks more than a few words around anyone other than her two close friends Roszio and Louise. Despite having to deliver messages to very unsettling associates, Mari never shows she is intimidated no matter how threatening they may be. Whenever around her acquaintances, she is easy to cooperate with and lenient towards orders given, rarely voicing any personal input or criticism. Her friends and coworkers find her to be very trustworthy and someone they can always rely on to get the job done.


fish, waterparks, milkshakes, aquariums, delivering mail, seafood, chips, cute bags, uniforms


perfume, loud music, picky eating, flashing colors, moire patterns, mustaches, sour fruits
