Oh, hello. I don't think we were expecting anyone.

No need to worry, Maurice said they're with him.

Ah, well in that case, welcome! I could've sworn I barricaded any entrances off... I'm Sutton, and this is my partner Franz!

Ahem, sorry about the mess back there. We’ve been so caught up with our… ehm-

House cleaning! We’ve been moving back and forth this past week, what with setting up our new laboratory and all.

Yes, exactly that! Don’t mind us, we’re really all over the place.

What, those papers? Oh, they’re nothing. Just a bunch of boring medical rambling nobody wants to read.

Anywho, you’re just in time to watch our favorite movie with us!

The Human Centipede (First Sequence)!!!

foz note: there will not be any actual images shown from the movie

YES!!! This is one of our absolute favorites!

It's been so many months since we've seen this. Ugh, we can't get enough of it no matter how many times we watch it.

One of the most finely crafted pieces of art we've had the pleasure of indulging in.

You have a a really lovely home.

You live here with your wife?


I don't like human beings.

I've never agreed more.

I don't know, I'm sure he could find a woman who shares his same interests, just like you and I.

Do you already regret your little escape? In fact I'm thankful for it. Because now I know definitely, you are...

The middle piece!

How could anyone be so dense as to walk into the home of a deranged scientist, let alone think they can escape one?

Humans. They never learn.

Oh, this is the best part! This is when Heiter finally performs the surgery.

We always rewind the movie back to this. We've probably seen it over a hundred times by this point.

The practical effects are truly phenomenal. I've never seen anything more realistic. And the surgical process itself?

It's like looking into a mirror. I don't say this often, but the director is an absolute genius. He's had to have done this before, I swear.

And the costume design is a highlight.

Eye for an eye...

Tooth for a tooth.

I detest humans as much as any sane person, but even I can admire the indomitable spirit some of them possess.

To be transformed into something entirely inhuman, and yet still fight for the will to live. Now, how many species can you say that about?

The ending gets me every time. Keep it together, Sutton.

Never a dull moment. A bloody succinct and raw gripping experience.

That was a nice break from our work. Is that the only DVD we own?

We've got a couple on the shelf. Let me see...

This looks like one we haven't seen before.

What's it called?

Um... Tusk?

Sigh... get us out of here.