Heretics, heathens, plebeians, and Christians: welcome to The Open Wake! A solemn little corner of the Funhouse to write about musings, diatribes, excerpts, and prayers. Some lovingly refer to this behavior as yapping.

25th of December Anno Domini 2024

Merry and Happy Christmas, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! For all that has happened this year, both good and bad, the greatest news of all to report from my life is that I've just been baptized into the Orthodox faith. The feelings are truly indescribable and I'll be sure to write about it (how can I not?!) but let us take this day to glorify Jesus Christ our Lord and savior, as he is born. Alleluia!

"For unto you is born this day in the city
of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."

Luke 2:11


2nd of November Anno Domini 2024

Happy All Souls’ Day to you all! Head Hingedepäeva kõigile! Let it be a peaceful, blessed day to remember and pray for the souls of the faithful departed to rest in peace, and to pray for the souls in purgatory.


1st of November Anno Domini 2024

Den Nikenske Truvedkjenninga
The Nicene Creed, in Nynorsk

Vi trur på ein Gud, den allmektige Far, som har skapt himmel og jord, alt synleg og usynleg.
Vi trur på ein Herre, Jesus Kristus, Guds einborne Son, fødd av Faderen før alle tider, Gud av Gud, ljos av ljos, sann Gud av sann Gud, fødd, ikkje skapt, av same vesen som Faderen. Ved han er alt skapt. For oss menneske og til vår frelse steig han ned frå himmelen, og ved Den Heilage Ande og av Maria møy vart han menneske av kjøt og blod. Han vart krossfest for oss under Pontius Pilatus, leid og vart gravlagd, oppstod tredje dagen etter skriftene og fór opp til himmelen, sit ved høgre handa åt Faderen, skal komme att i herlegdom og døma levande og døde, og hans rike skal vera utan ende.
Vi trur på Den Heilage Ande, som er Herre og gjer levande, som går ut frå Faderen og Sonen, som vert tilbeden og æra saman med Faderen og Sonen, og som har tala gjennom profetane.
Vi trur på ei heilag, allmenn og apostolisk kyrkje. Vi vedkjennest ein dåp til forlating for syndene og ser fram til oppstoda av dei døde og eit liv i den kommande verda.


31st of October Anno Domini 2024

Hark! Jesus saves… in our sleep?
I’m very, let’s say, anxious when it comes to my dreams. I tend to interpret them as an expression of my internal struggles, the more intense they are the deeper my mind is delving into my heart and soul. A true treasure trove of mental instability that would make a therapist salivate like a dog if not for my lack of funds. For Christians, it’s been a topic of controversy for centuries when it comes to its legitimacy as a way of God relaying spiritual information to you. It’s warned that your ‘symbolic’ dreams can be a double edged sword, in that while it could be proof of His presence, it could also be a gateway for external influences such as demons to take advantage of your unconscious state and speak to you in the form of something, or someone, more comforting. The idea of God delivering messages to you in your dreams is, as far as I can find, open interpretation in the Orthodox practice.
I’ve had a handful of dreams since my conversion that directly and vividly reference my faith. My inclination to finally write about this particular topic stems from a dream I had just last night. Before bed, I prayed the rosary for the first time in months, and during my dream I was in what I assumed to be a grocery store. I don’t know if I was working in it or merely shopping, but I was approached and heckled by a large, tall man. I wanted him to leave me alone, but alas I am quite small and lacking in confidence and intimidating appearances. The heckling did not persist for long when a nun intervened. I’m not sure if it was anything she said that I can remember, or if it was her mere presence alone, but it warded the man off in an instant. I know we spoke to one another briefly in praise of the Lord and signed the cross several times before she departed, saying ‘God bless.’
The same day before the dream occurred, I was pondering on the very topic of dreams in its spiritual meaning during my work shift. I wondered if what I dreamt in the past was nothing more than the result of recency bias, having been overwhelmed with my recent call to Christ after a lifelong existence of antitheism. I wondered if I would ever have these kinds of dreams anymore, or if those days were long over. I suppose I got a rather swift answer to that.
I’d love to go more in depth about other dreams I’ve had, but after not writing here in so long there’s a backlog of musings I must focus on before I inevitably forget. A wonderful and blessed Allhallowtide be to you all!

Atgyfododd Crist! Yn wir atgyfododd!


7th of September Anno Domini 2024

Hark! Unsurprisingly, now that I’ve finished this section of the site I’ve completely forgotten the bulk of what I’d like to write about. Ah well, I can’t imagine any of it was of grave importance. Though I suppose I ought to explain why I keeled over and made a page for my journaling, despite my previous opposition. With the pillaged lands of what was formerly known as Twitter slowly becoming the most laughably incompetent platform, I figured it was high time to step even further away from its constant feed of negativity. The banishment of the Brazilians led me to venture into Bluesky, and while I did make an account there, I won’t move base just yet. I’ll continue to watch Twitter’s destruction from afar. To add on, I’d like to use this space as a way to write about my ever-evolving relationship with and through Christ, so heed my word that there will be plenty mention of Christianity. (Assuming the crucifixes didn’t already give you an inkling…)


5th of September Anno Domini 2024

Hark! Ye who have stumbled upon this open wake seeking refuge, know that thou art safe to honor thy Lord Jesus Christ safely within these holy walls and open our hearts to Him, for He who is without sin shall give rest to thy weary traveler. Be present, O merciful God, and protect us through the silent hours of this night, so that we who are weary by the work and the changes of this fleeting world may rest upon Thy eternal changelessness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:20

Jesus, I trust in you!